ISSN 2586-243X (Online) AFOB NEWSLETTER 2021. Vol.14
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Senior Member's Write-up 자세히보기

"Joining the family and becoming a family member
My involvement with the AFOB started in 2007 on behalf of Thai Society for Biotechnology (TSB) president Dr. Pichet Itkor. I remembered the first meeting with AFOB. It was 3-day activity during April 26-28, 2007..."

자세히보기 My Talk picture Michelle's Short Story

"I am Haingomaholy Michelle Rakotondravao, a Ph. D. student from Madagascar studying in Material Chemistry at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan..."

picture Nghia's Short Story

"I'm Nguyen Hieu Nghia, a Vietnamese student of PhD course at Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), Japan.
It's a great honor for me to have a chance..."

자세히보기 My Lab picture Prof.Yun Suk Huh's Short Story

"Dear AFOB members,
I would like to first thank Prof. Yoon-Mo Koo, Editor-in-Chief of AFOB Newsletter, to give me this opportunity to..."
자세히보기 Reports on Current Activities of AFOB Divisoins
Nanobiotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips

"The NBB Division of AFOB aims to establish an scientific exchange and international collaboration network for Asian scientist who are working in the field of nanobiotechnology,..."

Bioprocess and Bioseperation Engineering

"September 22, Wednesday, 16:00-17:30
Organized by Biochemical Engineering Division, The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ)..."

Bioenergy and Biorefinery

"Book details: Abd-Aziz et al. (Eds.): Biorefinery of Oil Producing Plants for Value-Added Products, ISBN 978-3-527-34876-3 (In Press). Wiley-VCH..."

Update on Microbiology-related activities in Singapore 2021

"The Singapore Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology is the professional society representing microbiologists and biotechnologists in Singapore..."

Coming Events 자세히보기
  • ㆍ2021 AFOB Virtual Conference: Nov. 1-4, 2021
    Registration fee payment till Oct. 15 at standard rate.
    Abstract & E-poster submission has been extended to Oct. 15.
  • ㆍYABEC 2021: Nov. 19-20, 2021
What Happened in Asia 자세히보기

Prof. Sang Yup Lee Elected
as a Foreign Member of
the Royal Society


Introduction of


AFOB booth in KSBB
fall meeting in Gyeongju,
Republic of Korea
